Sunday, October 26, 2008

haha...BoA is eating you up!

yeah! BoA is finally back with her first off english single, Eat You Up, as she is preparing her very first english album! hmm..there was another version of the music video but i prefer this ;) BoA rocks!

Yay! DBSK's 4th Album !!!

ok,sorry for posting this after a long long time...but hey, i was having exams! when they released the album...26sept08! With their single, MIROtic ('MIRO' meaning 'maze'
in korean and they add the english consonant 'tic'), they are so the top of the icing ;) And they managed to clinched the 'top-spots' of the chart after their release of the album(as expected)! congratsz on your hard work guys and keep it up! we fans will always show our love and support! saranghae(: so guys, enjoy this music video(subbed) ;)

-fragrance of the bright day-